Dental patients wonder about X-ray frequency

Many patients worry about radiation exposure when they get X-rays taken at the dentist. After all, that heavy lead blanket isn’t draped on you for nothing. The cost of the procedure is another concern for the uninsured. The New York Times recently reported on whether dentists take X-rays too often—risking health and racking up expenses unnecessarily.

“Dentists should not rely on a blanket policy on X-rays for all patients, according to guidelines set out by the American Dental Association,” the article said. “Instead they are supposed to inspect each mouth for cavities or gum disease and then recommend specific X-rays for specific reasons.”

Dentists should be able to justify the importance of any X-ray to a patient and explain the diagnostic benefits according to each individual’s dental history and present issues. New patients are typically advised to get X-rays to establish a baseline for the dentist. There are different types of X-rays, with varying levels of radiation, detail, and cost, including bitewing, panoramic, and periapical, as well as 3-D dental cone-beam CT scan.

Transparency in dental-care cost would go a long way toward helping patients price-shop for the most affordable care and still get the care they need. delivers that transparency, uncovering the hidden costs of healthcare and putting it online for consumers who already seek price information before making nearly every other purchase. Healthclx empowers patients to make smart decisions about their health and their money.

Source –

New York Times: “Why Does My Dentist Give Me So Many X-Rays?


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